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high-quality I sustainable I safe

Medical Grade Bioplastics

Product overview

Our MedEco Bio-Compounds eignen sich für die Anwendung in der Medizin-, Labortechnik und Pharma. Sie reduzieren den CO2 Fußabdruck um bis zu 85% und sind recyclingfähig.


Rigid components, as transparent or particularly easy-to-handle variant, with the best carbon footprint and great price-performance ratio.


Flexible to medium-stiff components with more demanding requirements for temperature resistance.
Increased impact strength and a good environmental balance.


The high-performance bioplastic with medium rigidity. Glass-clear, very resistant with high strength, impact resistance and heat-shape resistance.

Any questions? Contact us!

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Together, we take a look at how to pragmatically and easily become greener in your application, and what sustainability potential you can leverage with us.

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